Friday, August 27, 2010


OpenXava ( is a model driven application framework.The idea is to build your application using JPA and enrich entities by extra-tags so openXava can generates screens.

The core idea is excellent because it throws away the MCV things and centers development around core business objects.

My first exposure is through their book on lulu - see

This book is clearly worth the requested 9$. My only regret, internationalization is not covered - but OpenXava does support at least label translation.

OpenXava itself looks promising however it relies on Java portal (e.g: Liferay) to provide an interface shell and security. Obviously the portal aspect can be seen  as a benefit, but it means also that you need a strong hardware platform to go ahead.

Security management through the portal is may be also a bit short, just granting access to screens will probably not enough for serious enterprise application.

The look and feel is also very rough although they support Ajax making a really appealing product from it will be a challenge.

Summary compare to OpenObject:

+ JPA / HIbernate
+ J2EE application without a hammer in your head
+ High potential in productivity
+ What you cannot do with it, you can do it using JSP...
= I18n features basic but present
= Portal (nice but imho heavy tech and a bit old-fashioned because portals were designed before Ajax)
- Rustic look & feel
- Elementary security through portal
- Internationalization does not take care of domain / fields translation (e.g: multiple names for a product)
- No reporting (need to use something else, no hint about integration put feasible)
- No deployment concepts as in OO

So if you forced to use Java, if you like using a strong ORM... it is worth looking at. But don't forget that the net result will be the deployment of the full Java stack which for small business remains a pain.

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