Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Back to OpenERP ... programming

So, I just added a wizard for automating membership renewal.

Finding the right company to renew and the right address is a bit tricky with the Open ERP so called ORM.

So the solution is to use the SQL pass-trough alternative: cr.execute.

I did and it works pretty well. On the other side, each of these calls is a short- circuit in the programming model, heritance and ... security checking. Don't take me wrong on this, but let's admit this is a technical insider concern...

So how much does this affect the code base ?

chanon@batman:~/openerp-REG/openerp/addons$ ls -l | wc -l
chanon@batman:~/openerp-REG/openerp/addons$ find . -name *.py -exec grep cr.execute {} \; | wc -l

So without doing many math, I think a good part of the entire code base is concerned.

I am not jumping on this right away, but I need to dig more...

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