We need accounting, invoicing, HR (vacations, expenses, attendance), time-sheets, CRM (including help-desk / sales contact management),outlook integration, document management.
Having installed hr_timesheet_sheet (what a name for a module), there is an entry
"[Human Resources] > Timesheets > My Timesheets > Current Timesheet" (the entry between [] corresponds to the main menu of the application - ctrl-t). The key functionnality that I am seeking is there: every user can sign-in and sign-out to indicate attendance (my colleagues will not like it) and enter activities that are linked to analytic entries (projects).
As ususual I am the ideal tester meaning that quickly things go wrong. Each time I clicked (sign-in) and then (sign-out) I got two entries per click in my attendance log ! The net result was a single day with -26 hours of missing attendance !
I found quickly the reason. Timesheets are related to employees and sign-in and out to users. As I used the demo data, one user 'Fabien' was already defined and linked to the user Admin and as I configured myself as an employee two employees where configured with the same login...
To clean-up the wrong difference number, I used the garbage icon and removed the incorrect lines on the attendance log. Next of course I removed the link between 'Fabien' and 'Admin'.

Summary for the timesheet (data configuration)
Employee -- link to -> User (so sign-in / sign-out) can work
Employee -- link to -> Product -> Will give standard cost / sales price
Analytic account for the project -- linkto -> Link to Partner and Link to Price list -> Automate invoicing from time-sheet.
Process for the timesheet
User login sign-in sign-out -- record attendance log.
Timesheet record --> record work done on project.
Finance user goes to [Project Management] > Financial projet management > Invoicing
Timesheets have states : draft (employee confirm) --> confirmed -- (manager validate) --> validated.
Approval is done [Human resource] > My department's timesheet > My department's timesheet to validate.
Other resource -- see Setting up a serice company http://openobject.com/forum/topic11018.html
Remaining questions
Why is there a general account on timesheet. In fact the timesheet are recorded in the general account... I think it is more an internal architecture quirck - analytic accounts are normaly linked to general account...
I have no easy way to invoice my confirmed timesheets. I can see uninvoiced entries but the status is not indicated. As I wanted to change the view using the web cleint but then I hitted https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject-addons/+bug/376172.
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